Customs & Clearance
KILE offers expert customs brokerage expertise on all customs clearance practices. KILE staff have an excellent understanding of HS Classification codes, duty rates, incoterms, tariff treatments, tariff treatment assessments and free trade agreements that Canada has signed with numerous countries. Along with the NAFTA rules of origin, KILE staff is very knowledgeable on all free trade agreements that Canada is a signatory to. We understand their respective rules of origin which allows us to provide exceptional service to our clients. We can assist our clients with any and all types of products from a wide variety of industries. Our Licensed Customs Brokers and Certified Customs Specialists will work with you to expedite the customs clearance of your shipment, while at the same time ensuring adherence to all customs compliance and government regulations. We can help you in the areas of international business consulting, pool shipments, customs refunds and drawbacks and self-corrections. KILE makes international logistics easier by having staff that are thoroughly versed in all aspects of international commerce. We are capable of handling the following:
- Canadian Customs Brokerage
- USA Customs Brokerage
- Free Trade Agreements
- Canadian Customs Classification/Compliance/Clea
rance - Canadian Sales Tax Compliance
- Canadian Customs Consulting
- Foreign Customs Consulting
- Duty Drawback/Recovery
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